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Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator

As an ADHD and Functional Coach, I feel so honoured to now offer my services as both a Keynote Speaker and Workshop Facilitator.

My passion lies in empowering individuals and teams to thrive despite the challenges posed by ADHD. Through my engaging and informative sessions, I have had the privilege of working with both small and large workshop groups, catering to diverse audiences in schools, corporate organisations, and teams.


I bring my extensive knowledge and expertise to the forefront, providing practical strategies and actionable insights to enhance understanding and optimise productivity. My dynamic speaking style, combined with a wealth of practical experience, equips individuals and groups with the tools they need to overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential.

Whether it's navigating the classroom, the corporate world, or personal pursuits, I am dedicated to guiding my audiences towards success.

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Previous Engagements


Bradfield Senior College Professional Learning Day

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to present our workshop "ADHD in the Classroom: Why a cookie cutter approach does not work". In this workshop, teaching staff had the opportunity to explore how ADHD presents differently in each student, and that by empowering them through exploring their unique strengths, students can become equipped to take ownership of their ADHD and enhance their learning.

“I'm grateful for you sharing your wisdom around what you're learning about ADHD.”

Sinead, ADHD Coaching Client